Medieval Saraishyq - the capital of the Kazakh Khanate
RSPE State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Saraishyq"

Research projects submitted in 2020

2 projects have been prepared for the competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects announced by the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2022. Projects accepted on June 3, 2020 on website 

  • Encyclopedia «Medieval Saraishyq (XIII-XVI centuries)»
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Muktar Abilseit Kapizovich Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  • «Prorvinsky and Astrakhan GULAG in the system(1932 – 1950 гг.): history, memory, lessons»
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Akhmetova Ulzhan Tolegenovna Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

In November 2020, the state historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Saraishyq» presented the following projects to the competition organized by the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1 project was submitted to the competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023.

  • The capitals Golden Horde in the Interfluve of the Volga and Urals: historical continuity and global significance (Saraishyk, Saray-Batu, Saray-Berke)
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Muktar Abilseit Kapizovich Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

4 projects were prepared and submitted for the competition for program-targeted funding for Scientific, scientific and technical programs announced by the Ministry of Culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2023.

  • «The Citadel and «Khan's grave» of Golden Horde city - Saraishyq: a new look» (XIV-XVI cc.)
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Muktar Abilseit Kapizovich Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  • «Golden Horde cities, caravan routes and caravan-serais in Western Kazakhstan: interdisciplinary research (XIII-XV centuries.)»
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Akhmetova Ulzhan Tolegenovna Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
  • Encyclopedia «Medieval Saraishyq (XIII-XVI centuries)»
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Abdeshev Bayazi Madeshovich, candidate of philological sciences
  • «Development of perspective directions of cluster development of historical and cultural tourism in Western Kazakhstan».
  • Scientific supervisor of the project: Zhusupov Eduard, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Geography 6D060900

Work schedule

Monday/Sunday: 09:00-18:30

No lunch / days off


Tel/Fax:+7 702 059 7858
