Medieval Saraishyq - the capital of the Kazakh Khanate
RSPE State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Saraishyq"
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Scientific board

RSE State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Saraishyq»

Academic Council

1. General Provisions:

1.1 The Scientific Council of the RSE "State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Saraishyq" of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter the Council) is created to implement the state policy in the field of organizing scientific study of the history of the medieval city of Saraishyk and turning it into a tourist center. The activities of the Council are carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Charter of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Saraishyq", as well as this Regulation.

2. The purpose of the academic council:

2.1 Organization of scientific study of the history of the medieval city of Saraishyq and implementation of state policy towards becoming a tourist center.

3. Tasks of the Academic Council:

3.1 Decision-making on the main issues of museum and conservation activities in the process of research, cultural, educational, educational and tourist activities in the field of culture;

3.2 Ensuring the implementation of state programs;

3.3 Strengthening the material and technical base of the museum-reserve;

3.4 Assistance to the further development of the museum-reserve.

4. Composition, structure, activities and procedure for the election of the Academic Council:

4.1 The Academic Council is created by the order of the head of the museum-reserve.

4.2 The Academic Council may include the head of the museum-reserve, the deputy head, heads of structural divisions, representatives of state institutions and public organizations, scientists of higher educational institutions.

4.3 The composition of the Academic Council is elected for 3 years and has an odd number of members. If necessary, by decision of the general Meeting, separate changes may be made to the composition of the Academic Council.

4.4 The decision of the Academic Council is considered adopted if the majority of the members of the Academic Council present at the meeting voted for it.

4.5 The decisions of the meeting of the Academic Council are adopted by an open vote of the members present.

4.6 The Council may take decisions on certain issues by secret ballot.

4.7 The Academic Council conducts office work in the museum-reserve in accordance with the nomenclature.

4.8 meetings of the Academic Council are formalized by minutes. The decisions of the Academic Council are drawn up separately. Protocols and decisions of the Academic Council are signed by the Chairman and the Academic Secretary. The protocols and decisions of the Academic Council are documents of permanent storage and are handed over by an act when changing academic secretaries.

4.9 The Chairman of the Academic Council (hereinafter referred to as the chairman) is the head of the museum-reserve.

5. Chairman:

5.1 Organizes the work of the Academic Council, ensures its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Regulation, organizes a systematic review of the implementation of the decisions of the Council.

5.2 The Chairman appoints a deputy. In the absence of the Chairman, his duties are performed by a deputy.

5.3 The remaining members of the Academic Council are elected by secret ballot from among the departments of the museum-reserve.

5.4 The Secretary is elected by the Academic Council and is responsible for conducting the business of the Academic Council.

6. Academic secretary:

6.1 Together with the relevant structural units and officials, prepares a work plan, conducts organizational, preparatory work for the meeting and executes the decision of the Academic Council.

6.2 Requests the necessary information on all areas of work of the academic council and gives instructions to the employees of the museum-reserve.

6.3 Supervises the implementation of the decisions of the Academic Council and systematically informs the Chairman and members of the Council about it.

6.4 Organizes the work of the academic Council on the basis of the work plan approved during the year.

6.5 Meetings of the Academic Council are organized in accordance with the approved plan of the museum-reserve once every three months, as well as if necessary.

6.6 The Academic Council creates permanent and other commissions in various areas of its activities.

6.7 A meeting of the Academic Council is valid if 2/3 of its members are present. A member of the Academic Council informs the Chairman that he cannot attend the council for valid reasons.

7. The main activities of the academic council: The main activity of the Academic Council is the most important and general issues of the museum-reserve:

7.1 Analysis of the charter of the museum-reserve;

7.2 Approval of museum and conservation documents;

7.3 Consideration of the following issues:

7.3.1 Material, technical, personnel, organizational and methodological support of the museum-reserve;

7.3.2 Provision of professional development and retraining of personnel;

7.3.3 Finding additional financial and material resources for the implementation of statutory activities;

7.3.4 Review and approval of plans and reports of structural units of the museum-reserve on research work;

7.3.5 Consideration of annual and long-term plans for the development of the museum-reserve and hearing the results of financial and economic activities;

7.3.6 Consideration of other issues stipulated by the charter of the museum-reserve.

8. Competence of the Academic Council:

8.1 Spproval of the structure of the museum-reserve;

8.1 Amendments and additions to the charter of the museum-reserve;

8.2 Definition of the concept of the museum-reserve development;

8.3 Decision-making on all major issues of the organization of cultural, scientific, research and economic activities of the museum-reserve;

8.4 Hearing of annual reports of the director, deputy director, heads of structural divisions on the types and methods of cultural, research, economic and international activities;

8.5 Consideration and submission for publication of monographs, various brochures, etc. related to the museum-reserve;

8.6 Organization of control over the financial and economic activities of the museum-reserve;

8.7 Submission to various awards;

8.8 Consideration of issues related to the current activities of the museum-reserve that require a collective decision.

Composition of the Academic Council

1. Abilseit Muktar - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the museum-reserve

2. Aibek Turaruly - Deputy Director

3. Zhanar Diyarova - Master, Academic Secretary

4. Aigul Kayredenova - Chief Accountant

5. Oryn Sagynbayeva - Chief Custodian of funds

6. Amangeldy Zhumabaev - Master's degree, researcher

7. Leskali Berdigozhin-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov

8. Ulzhan Akhmetova -Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov

9. Akkali Akhmet-Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedova, Director of the Research Center "Mangilik El"

10. Zhenisbek Mustafin-Ph.D., Professor

11.Kylyshbay Sundetovich - Ph.D., Chairman of joint trade unions in the field of education of Atyrau region

12. Mukhambetkali Kipiev - Director of the Center for the Study of Historical and Cultural Heritage of Atyrau region

13. Tolegen Zhanabai -member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, the best local historian of the Republic of Kazakhstan

14. Utepbergen Alimgereev - local historian, member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

15. Aruev Nurgali Latifovich - Head of the Department of Culture, Language Development, Physical Culture and Sports of Makhambet district

16. Pazylov Zheksenbai Duysenbaevich -Akim of Saraishyq rural district

17. Bolat Mukhambetov - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov, Head of the Research and Production Center of Biology, Geoecology and Dry Feed Production


Work schedule

Monday/Sunday: 09:00-18:30

No lunch / days off


Tel/Fax:+7 702 059 7858
