Medieval Saraishyq - the capital of the Kazakh Khanate
RSPE State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Saraishyq"


Director of RSGE State Historical and Cultural Museum-preserve “Saraishyq” Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Muktar Abilseit Kapizovich

   In 1981-1986 he was studying at the Guryev Pedagogical Institute in the Faculty of History and Philology, and graduated from it specializing in history, social science and Soviet law. In 1986-1987 he was serving in the Soviet Army.

  His scientific career began in 1988, when he was invited to the the Guryev Pedagogical Institute at the faculty of the USSR and General History. In December 1990, he entered graduate courses at the Kazakh State Pedagogical University. On April 14, 1993, Abay successfully defended his candidate’s thesis “Development of the Zhayik-Jem Field (1920-1940)”, early graduating from it. As a senior lecturer at the faculty of History of Kazakhstan at the Atyrau Pedagogical Institute, he contributes to the training of historians.

   He was also a deputy of the Atyrau maslikhat (1994), was an associate professor of the faculty of History of Kazakhstan, Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Vice Dean of the Faculty of History (1995-2000), Director of the Scientific, Z. Aldamzhar Educational and Cultural Center (1995–1998), senior researcher (2000–2001), dean of the social and humanitarian faculty of the Kostanay social academy (2001–2003).

   In 2002, he defended his doctoral dissertation “Social and Political Life in the Western Region of Kazakhstan (second half of the XVIII – the first quarter of the XIX century)” at the Sh. Ualikhanov dissertation council of the Institute of History and Ethnology in Almaty,while being involved in the working process.

   In September 2003, he came back to Atyrau and worked at the X.Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University, after that as a Dean of the Faculty of Economics, in 2004, as a Vice-Rector for Social and Economic issues and Educational Work, from 2005 to August 2008, Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations.

  In July 2008, he was offered to the position of vice-rector for research and international relations of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University In 2008, by order of the Monitoring Committee in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialty 07.00.02 – Domestic History, he was appointed the chairman of the Dissertation Council of the DB 14.61.26, and from July 7, 2010, he was a vice chairman of the council. During this period, M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University named with the assistance of A. Muktar’s organization won 7 projects and successfully completed them within the framework of the grant financing project announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The scientific projects of the institution are oriented towards the commercialization of large enterprises, including the Karachaganak fields. With his efforts new specialties are opened for graduate and doctoral studies, international relations are developing, academic mobility is carried out by universities in Poland, the USA, and Germany. A.K. Muktar takes part in the competition for the post of vice-rector for scientific work at the Atyrau Oil and Gas Institute, and on July 7, 2015, by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he is appointed vice-rector. During the period of initiated transformations in this university, scientific research is closely related to the production and for the first time the Scientific and Technical Council was created with the participation of production representatives, projects for commercialization are proposed. The researchers establish business contacts with entrepreneurs from Atyrau, Aktobe and Mangystau regions, establish bilateral contacts and conclude bilateral agreements. Under his leadership, academics took an internship at the French Petroleum Institute.

  On June 27, 2017, A.K.Muktar was transferred to the H. Dosmukhametov Atyrau State University and was appointed director of the Research Center “History, Ethnography and Archeology of the Atyrau Region”. From January 3 to September 27, 2018, he served as the director of the state archive of the Atyrau region. On September 27, 2018, by the order of the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was appointed the acting Director of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Saraishyq”.

  A.K. Muktar is the author of major scientific projects with the support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– The project “Kazakhstan Caspian: history, place, political significance” was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2005. Under this project, 3 monographs, 1 collection of archival data and about 100 articles were published under his leadership by the project members.

– In 2007, he participated in the contest “National Idea – the Basis for the Development of Kazakhstan”, published by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and won a grant entitled “Problems of Migration in the West Kazakhstan Region”;

– 2012-2014 The state registration of the competition for grant funding was announced by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 0112РК02045 “scientific societies and institutions studying Kazakhstan in the 18th-20th centuries: history, areas of research and essence” (project co-author); In connection with grant financing for 2018-2020, he won the project “Institutes of biys, batyrs, tarhans, jasaul, Khoja in the structure of the Kazakh Khanate: their activities and liquidation (XV-XIX centuries)”;

Abulseit Kapizovich is the author of several monographs, mannuals.

– “On the way to the freedom” (Almaty: Gylym, 2001);

– “Syrym batyr and Nuraly Khan” (Kostanay, 2001);

– “The history of Kazakhstani oil” (Almaty: Өлке, 2006);

– “ The Kazakh Khanate in ХҮІІ-ХІХ” (Almaty: Publishing house «Mereke», 2015);

– “Тарих тұңғиығындағы тұлғалар” (Almaty: Arys, 2008);

– “Тарих айдынындағы тұлғалар” 2nd book (Almaty: Arys, 2013); 

– “History of Saraishyk museum-reserve (1963-2019)” (Almaty: Arys, 2019);

– “Institutes of biys, batyrs, tarhans, jasaul, Khoja in the structure of the Kazakh Khanate: their activities and liquidation (XV-XIX centuries)”  (Almaty: Arys, 2020).

   The fundamental 656-page monograph “ The Kazakh Khanate in ХҮІІ-ХІХ centuries ” (with the participation of the famous scientist EK Sydykov) is of great interest to the public. According to the monograph “Kazakh Khanate of the ХІІІ-ХІХ centuries”, a certificate of state registration of the copyright is received (No. 389 of March 4, 2015).

   The researcher is also the author of more than 200 articles. As an expert of the 18th-19th centuries, he on regular basis publishes articles of a new national character in « Independent Kazakhstan» about prominent personalities including batyrs like Abulkhair, Abilmambet, Abylay, Ualihandar, Bogenbai, Syrym, Zholaman, Isatay-Makhambet, Aiteke, Saryshonay bii, Alabaizhasaul and others who served for Kazakh statehood.

   A.K. Muktar is the author of 4 monographs, 2 scientific collections on national history. 1 article was published in a journal with a high impact factor. He is also one of the authors of the collective work – “History of Kazakhstan”, commissioned by the Sh. Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology. Professor A.K. Muktar is a scientist who created his own scientific school. He trained 7 candidates of sciences and 10 masters. Now They work in higher education institutions in Atyrau, Uralsk, Kostanay, Astana.

  A.K. Muktar is a member of the editorial board of a number of republican, regional scientific journals, including

– “History of the Fatherland” Sh. Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology;

– Republican scientific and methodological journal “History of Kazakhstan”;

– Historical and educational magazine “DANAqaz”;

– Science journal “Cultural heritage”.

A.K. Muktar is the holder of awards and scholarships of the Ministry of Education and Science.

– A letter of commendation from the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR in 1985;

– medal “For Labor Valor” in 1986;

– Diploma of the Minister of Education and Science in 2007;

– A letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kalmykia of the Russian Federation for close scientific and cultural ties with universities of the Russian Federation in 2012 .;

– On December 6, 2013 by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the breastplate “Honorary Worker of Education”;

– in 2017, by an order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “State scientific scholarship for scientists and specialists who have made a significant contribution to science and technology”;

– Certificate of honor of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 5, 2018; Commemorative medal “Alash” in honor of the 100th anniversary of the government of Alash Orda and the autonomy of Alash of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018;

– On June 30, 2021, the University badge “Khalel Dosmukhamedov” was awarded for a special contribution to the development of Atyrau University named after H. Dosmukhamedov;

– On December 22, 2021, in the framework of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by the decree of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Jubilee Medal “Kazakhstan Tauelsizdigine 30 zhyl” was awarded.

Wife  А.Muktar’s is U.T.Akhmetova who is currently the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of H. Dosmukhamedov Aturau State University

Deputy Director of the RSPE “State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Saraishyq”, Master Diyarova Zhanar Kabdolkakimkyzy.

  Diyarova Zhanar Kabdolkakimkyzy was born in 1991 in the West Kazakhstan region. From 1997 to 2008, she graduated with honors from Sarashyq's Secondary School named after K.Karashauly, then Atyrau State University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov.








Scientific Secretary of the RSPE “State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve  “Saraishyq” Zhumabaev Amangeldi Zhenisuly

    Zhumabaev Amangeldi Zhenisuly was born on August 29, 1994 in the city of Atyrau. In 2000-2011, he studied at the secondary school named after G. Masalimov in the village of H.Ergaliev, Isatai district.

— In 2011, he studied at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Atyrau State University named after Kh.Dosmukhamedov, in 2015 he graduated from a higher educational institution with a degree in History and Religious Studies. From 2015 to 2017, he studied for a master's degree in history at this university.

— From 2015 to 2017, he worked as a history teacher at the Abai secondary school in the village of Akkistau in the Isatai district of Atyrau region.

— In the 2016-2017, he worked as a teacher at the preparatory department of the Atyrau State University named after Kh. Dosmukhamedov.

— In the 2017-2018 became a lecturer at the Department of World History and Kazakhstan.

— Since 2019, he has been working at the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Saraishyq”.

Work schedule

Monday/Sunday: 09:00-18:30

No lunch / days off


Tel/Fax:+7 702 059 7858
