On December 3, 2024, the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve Saraishyq will host a scientific seminar on "Genetic research in Saraishyq and their first results" with the head of the Laboratory of Human Genetics of the National Center for Biotechnology, Doctor of Biological Sciences, PhD Zhabagin Maksat Gizatuly.
???? Venue: Saraishyq Visit Center
⌛ Date: 12/03/2024, 15:00
???? Format: Online// Offline
???? ID: 3594960619 // 03122024
???? Detailed information:
✅ saraishyq.kz,
✅ @facebook/музей-заповедник Сарайшык,
✅ @Instagram/saraishyk_museum,
✅ @youtube/saraishyk museum,
✅ @TikTok/medieval_saraishyq