Medieval Saraishyq - the capital of the Kazakh Khanate
RSPE State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Saraishyq"

Scientific and Technical Council

Today, in Almaty began a scientific and technical council organized by the Culture Committee of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republican State Enterprise «Kazrestravratsiya» and the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve «Saraishyk», dedicated to the implementation of the concept of development of the city of Sarayshyk. Representatives of the ministry, historians, archaeologists and restoration specialists participate in the council. The council will discuss topical issues of preservation and development of archaeological sites, as well as prospects for their integration into modern urban and tourist infrastructures.

Work schedule

Monday/Sunday: 09:00-18:30

No lunch / days off


Tel/Fax:+7 702 059 7858
